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Small congregations have been viable for centuries. Today, especially because of COVID-19, many are struggling to sustain their ministry and vitality. These congregations show many of the symptoms of grief — denial, anger, fear of loss, yearning for what was, blame, and discouragement. They are often conflicted, and their future is not clear. These factors combine to present unique challenges to leaders.
Collaborative Sponsorship
Dialog Works and Wartburg Seminary along with leaders from seven mid- western ELCA synods have collaborated to offer "Engaging God’s Future," four courses designed to build the courage, confidence, and capacity of leaders.
Flexible Design
Each course is a stand-alone, with no pre-requisites*. A leader who completes all four courses and a final project will receive certification as a Small Church Specialist.
(*A New Chapter in Ministry requires permission from the instructor or completion of Discerning God's Leading.)
Online Instruction
Students meet in online cohorts to discuss materials and share projects. Presentations and course materials are accessed online through Dialog Works Classroom Notebooks.
Overview and course page links
Specialized Ministry Certification
Dialog Works and Wartburg Seminary will be offering a Small Congregation Specialist certification to those who complete all four courses in "Engaging God's Future."
Those who wish to be certified will be asked to submit a project to qualify. Project requirements will be available upon request.